Moscow International House of Music

Concert tours to Russia

We are the leading operator in organizing concert tours to Russia for non-professional performing groups all across Russia in professional concert halls, palaces and churches. Not only that we will find a perfect venue for you, but we will fill it with the most receptive audience.

St.Petersburg, home to Russian classical music, is a perfect destination for all non-professional performing groups. Visiting the oldest Russian Conservatoire...


Joint concerts with local choirs will give you a unique opportunity to meet Russians face to face, make new friends...


Performing in Novgorod the Great, the oldest Russian city, not only in St.Petersburg, will give you an insight into provincial...


Day 1 Upon arrival in St.Petersburg from Helsinki by Princess Maria ferry you will go through Customs and Immigration and meet...


Create your own tour!

If you are a seasoned traveler, we will tailor your own program according to your preferences.


Contact us

Ligovsky Pr., 87, Lit.A, Pom.17-N, office 503 St.Petersburg, 191040, Russia
+7 (812) 985 8180
+7 (812) 985 8108
You can write to us at
or Skype oltonolton